Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Seer book two of three in the truesight trilogy

Today I started reading a new book Called "The Seer" by: David Stahler Jr. for 30 minutes and I read from pages 1 to 12. Here is what I read: Thirteen year old Jacob Manford was lying on the grass dreaming. He was draming about a girl he had met named, Dealany Corrow a blind girl about his age. In the dream he was trying to catch her because she was running away from him. When he finally caught her she had stepped a place of horror at least to him. faint voices coming from a cat was telling him not to go into there but , Jacob didn't listen. Once he finally saw her and saw here face, he was horrified. What he saw instead of eyes, were flames. After many screams he finally woke up. He had to keep moving and he was dying of hunger and thirst. as the sun grew dim and then rose again at the start of the next day, he thought about how only a month ago he was still blind and how he was given a device to help him locate people and where he is. he remembered how it was his fault that he couldn't live in his city anymore. He would have been able to stay if he didn't tell anyone about his vision. They tried to take him into surgery and take his vsion away and wipe it from his brain. He remembered playing with his best friend when he got his first Headache and the sudden rush of pain then finally vision. Suddenly he tried to get the attention of a car going by.

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